Active: February 7th - February 13th
Work Due: February 14th @ 8:00AM

Program Structure

Please read the following chapter from;


At the end of the chapter you should have an understanding for;

  • Expression and Statement in JavaScript
  • Bindings
    • Be capable of declaring, assigning, and using bindings through;
      • let
      • var
      • const
        • Recognize that the latter of these is unchangeable
  • Have a basic grasp of what a Function is
    • especially;
      • console.log()
      • prompt()
  • Recognize that the functions can produce Return Values
  • Control Flow
    • As well as using conditional execution with control flow
    • Understand how to use;
      • if(){}
      • if(){} / else{}
      • if(){} / else if(){} / else{}
      • while(){}
      • do{}while()
      • break
      • switch
  • Basic coding standards and conventions
    • Use proper “naming conventions” when creating bindings
      • Including what characters can and cannot be used
      • Utilize a single approach to capitalization
    • Indent Code Properly
    • Understand how to include comments
  • assignment operators
    • +=
    • -=
    • *=
    • /=
    • ++
    • --


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