Active: March 21st - April 5th
Note: Spring Break runs from the March 24th - April 1st
Work Due: April 6th @ 8:00AM


You have already been exposed to and used Higher-order Functions sometimes also known as Callback Functions.

For our purposes, we will currently define a Callback Function as being a function you pass to another function, with the goal that the other function will eventually call it.

// passed in as a function declaration
otherFunc1("some value", function(){alert("haha")} );

// passed in as a function reference
otherFunc2("some value" callBackFunction );


One common use of callback functions in web-based javascript is in timers.

A timer is a function that waits some specified amount of time then does something.

Timers may be used to refresh elements of a page at set intervals, change the picture in a gallery, add a “pop-up”, etc.


One built in timer function setTimeout(), which takes as a minimum two input parameters;

  • a callback function to execute.
  • the amount of time in milliseconds to delay execution.
setTimeout( functionToCall, timeToWait );

In the following example of the setTimeout() function, it is used to call another function after 3 seconds, which changes the background color of the example page and creates a popup alert.

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Like setTimeout() the setInterval() function can be used to execute a supplied callback function after a specified amount of time. The major difference is that setInterval() creates a reoccurring callback that is executed constantly, at the interval specified.

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Cancelling Timers

You can cancel a timer function, by passing a reference to the timer function to the appropriate clear function (i.e. clearTimeout() and clearInterval()).

To pass a a reference to a timer function, simply create a binding that references the function and pass that to the appropriate clearing function. In the following example, a single timer (i.e. setTimeout() ) is used to stop the reoccurring, setInterval() timer after 5 seconds.

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Further Reading on Timers

Please read the following from w3schools;

Callbacks Revisited

Again, a callback is just a function that is passed to another function, so that it can later be called back and executed. As we move forward this week, you will be working a lot with callback functions.

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