Active: April 10th - April 17th
Work Due: No Homework Due

Weekly Conclusions

This week you started to see how you can use and learn about external JS libraries. As you continue working as a developer you will find many instances where you want to use code written by someone else in order to save yourself time or to do something that you may not otherwise know how to do. This is part of the art of coding and something you will get more comfortable with.


There is no specific homework this week. Instead, please take the time to work through at least one of the jQuery tutorials mentioned on the previous page. The goals of this work are for you to;

  1. Learn how to learn about external libraries
  2. Practice using an external library
  3. See one more method/technique for selecting and manipulating DOM elements.

Next Week

Next week, we will look at how we can pull in data from external sites or databases and how we can use this data to update our web pages.

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