Need a hand?
The most wonderful think about web development is its community. This field is constantly evolving, and its success heavily dependent on working together.
1. Calendly
Unlike other online courses, it is vital that we create a connection. As such, I would like to set up weekly "chats" with each of you to make sure you are doing okay. It's important that you feel like you can ask questions, work with me directly and get the help you need in a timely fashion. Please feel free to schedule a meeting with me each week by using this link. Please note that if you don't hvae anything to discuss specifically an email will suffice. However, I want to be as available as possible. Calendly Link
2. Issues Board
Your first stop for aid is the GitHub Issues Board for this course. Instructors and students both patrol the threads here, and it’s your best place to get results quickly. Click the icon from the navigation menu above at any time to check-in!
3. Self-Help
Never _ever_ hesitate to be your own instructor. There are many resources and communities built precisely for self-guided learning. Here are a few:
4. E-mail
Please feel free to send me a message I will get back to you as soon as I can!
5. The BA Lab (McGill 127), When Available
Note I will do my best to help you work through all your questions.