Active: March 15th - April 5th
Work Due: April 5th @ 11:59 PM

Week 9: Overview

Active: March 15th - April 5th

Homework Due: April 5th @ 11:59 PM

This week, you will dive more into the practice of daily creative practice sketches. The goal being the development of a daily sketch practice.

Please note, you will have two weeks to work on this weeks content. Since there is no Spring Break this year, and it is not possible for online-asynchronous classes to enjoy the same break as is afforded by the 4 class break days, I want you to view this two-week span as some time off.

My hope is that you take through next Friday as a break from this class. You should then spend the following week (ending April 5th @ 11:59 PM) completing the daily sketching practice that is required. However, you are welcome to manage this two-week period however you see appropriate.

Late Work

The one caveat to this is with respect to late work. If you have any outstanding late work up until this point in the semester, this is your last chance to get caught up. We will not accept any late work beyond April 5th @ 11:59 PM. Once you complete your late work IT IS YOUR ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO EMAIL THE TA’s LETTING THEM KNOW YOU HAVE SUBMITTED THE LATE WORK.