Active: January 24th - January 30th
Work Due: January 31st @ 9:00AM


Now that we can create a canvas to draw to, lets talk about how we can change the color of that canvas. To do this, we will use the background() function.

This function, which is often written in setup() specifies the background color of a code sketch’s canvas.

To write a statement to change or set the background, we will often use the background() function. Below is the documentation from the p5 site for the background() function.

There will be a lot of information inside of the background() documentation that does not yet make sense to you. That is OK. But, please read through it and see how much you can understand.

(Link to background() function documentation)

After reading the background() documentation, you should have found out how you can specify a background color for your code sketches.

There are many ways to specify colors in p5. We will look at a couple of these this week.

Named Color String

The first, and perhaps easiest way of specifying a color is by providing a “named color string”. We will talk about “strings” more later, but essentially, a string is any set of characters that are placed between double or single quotes. ("This is a string", 'This is also a string!').

For any function in p5 that accepts a named color string, we can supply any common color, as a word, surrounded by quotes.

Let’s first create a ‘blue’ background. To do this, we will supply the string 'blue', as the first parameter to the background() function, inside of our declared setup() function.

{ TODO: }

In the above code output section, open the “JavaScript” tab and replace the 'blue' string parameter inside the background() function with other common color names. Then re-open the “Result” tag to see the changes.

Names to try;

  • 'black'
  • 'red'
  • 'green'
  • 'grey'
  • 'beige'
  • 'yellow'
  • 'brown'
  • 'magenta'
  • 'pink
  • 'orange'

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