Active: January 26th - February 2th
Work Due: February 2th @ 11:59 PM

Homework Specifications

For this week’s homework, you are expected to make a basic WebCam filter using TouchDesigner. You can start this project by following along with this week’s content and tutorial video. Once you complete this week’s content, I want you to go further in your piece by exploring TOP operators, experimenting with them, and finding out which ones and how you can implement them in your network.


  1. Follow-along and create the basic WebCam filter network as demo’d this week.
  2. Go beyond this basic network by exploring;
    1. Additional TOP operators
    2. Parameters of TOPs that you implement
    3. Ways of rearranging the network
  3. Save your work along the way
  4. Screen Shots and Captures
    1. Create a screen capture video of your TouchDesigner Filter
    2. Take screenshots of your node network
  5. Write up: Take a moment to reflect and write about your process and experience using TouchDesigner.
    1. What nodes did you use to create the filter? And why make the choices you made?
    2. What worked? what didn’t work? Were there any limitations?
    3. What would be the next step? How could you push this further?
    4. How was your experience working with TouchDesigner?

If you use outside sources, like youtube tutorials. Please cite them in your post with a link to the tutorial.

The following video serves as an example of what we are looking for this week. It shows the TouchDesigner network, resulting output, captures as well as a written description of process.


These examples show how to format and present the work.

Simon Alexander Adams- Pen Plotters and TouchDesigner

Isabelle - Exploring Humanized Algorithmic Art with Infratonal

Tina M - 340 Example Project


You will upload your videos to the homework submission forum. These should be small enough to allow direct upload to Moodle ( < 500mb ). You should also paste in your response as text to the post. An example is provided on the submission forum.