Active: February 2th - February 9th
Work Due: February 9th @ 11:59 PM


For this week, you have been presented with 3 tutorials.

  1. Compositing Basic in TD - by Bob Jarvis
  2. Basic Render Network Setup - by Matthew Ragan
  3. Procedural Modeling and Rendering of a 3D Landscape - by Bob Jarvis

For your homework this week, you are to follow along and build along with the provided tutorials, ensuring that you understand everything that is occurring. If you are unclear about any aspect of the tutorial, please google it and dig deeper.

I want you to create a TouchDesigner based artwork, that builds on one or more of these tutorials.

You are absolutely welcome to take the resulting network that you created while following along to these tutorials and push it. This could be done by;

  • manipulating operator parameters to better understand what they do
  • adding new or additional operators to the network
  • rearranging operator signal flow in the network
  • changing inputs within a network (i.e. webcam, movie, noise, etc. )
  • or something else that you want to try, experiment with, and explore!

You do not need to recreate the wheel or start with a blank canvas. Please feel free to build on the work of these tutorials in a direction that is most interesting to you.


  1. The work of art must build on and go beyond the tutorials (this can be accomplished through ideas listed above)
  2. Keep notes about your experimental process


Follow the submission guide from Week 2 .

  1. TouchDesigner Network
    1. You are required to submit your TouchDesigner Network this week.
    2. To do this, you will need to zip the containing project folder for the network.
    3. If you have any media assets that you are utilizing, please remember to include those within the network project directory, so that they are also zipped.
  2. Screen Shots, Capture, and Renders
    1. Create a video of your TouchDesigner work using the Movie File Out operator, as discussed in this week.
    2. Alternatively, you can use OBS to take a screen recording of your TouchDesigner network and resulting output.
    3. Take detailed Screen Shots of your node network for documentation.
  3. Write Up: Provide written documentation of process and experience with this project.
    1. Describe the work. Are there specific nodes that were key to the development of this piece? Why make the creative choices in developing this piece? Explain your thought process.
    2. What problems did you run into this week, and how did you solve them?
    3. What’s next? How can you make this interactive?
    4. How was your experience working in TouchDesigner this week? Are you happy with what emerged from your work?
  4. Check out your colleagues work for this week. Leave a comment or a brief critique. How did their work make you feel? What worked?

Works Cited: If you used any outside sources for this project. Please cite them at the bottom of your post with a link to the source.


You will upload your videos and images to the homework submission forum. You should also paste in your response as text to the post.

Please submit all delieverables to the homework submission forum.